Travel League

CSC Travel Tryout dates are coming soon. We are coordinating with current club team schedules.

CSC has a number of travel teams. All CSC programs play in both the fall and spring. Some older teams will only play in the Fall and will have tournament play in the Spring.

Travel teams play exclusively in the VPSL each season against other VPSL teams and may travel to tournaments and festivals as decided by the team.  For more information on the VPSL, please visit Virginia Premier Soccer League

For information on scheduled tryouts, please contact, check our home page news feed, Facebook or Twitter pages, or enter “tryouts” in our search box along the top right of our website.

Travel soccer: Fees vary by team and can range from $100 to $300 per season, not including club, uniform, or tournament fees.  Players must tryout to join a travel team.
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Youth recreation and competitive soccer in Virginia's New River Valley